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The methodological basis of Complex Systemic Therapy of asthma

Stable results of Complex Systemic Therapy of asthma are statistically confirmed in our research work. 

The following outcomes have been observed in more than 700 people who have undertaken the Complex Systemic Therapy of asthma for chronic bronchitis and asthma: 

  1. it took one course of Complex Systemic Therapy in 78% of cases in order to achieve sustained remission 
  2. 2 - 3 courses in 14% 
  3. 3% of the patients had a significant improvement, but did not continue the Complex Systemic Therapy for fear of losing the disability status, 
  4. 5% did not want to give up smoking tobacco and this made the improvement of their health incomplete. 

It is worth noting that the treatment of asthma in children at our center is painless, the acupuncture sessions are replaced by apparatus puncture sessions. The impact on meridian points is carried out using certified and safe devices. 

The results of our treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis patients are completely reflected in the reports at conferences, publications in medical journals and collections of scientific works; they are justified in the materials of our thesis. 

What happens in the lungs normally and in asthma from the perspective of a systemic approach? 

The main symptoms of asthma - are difficulty in breathing caused by spasm of the bronchial muscles and accumulation of thick mucus on the surface of respiratory epithelium, which hinders gas exchange in the lungs. Impaired intake of oxygen and accumulation of carbon dioxide causes an episode of choking that is accompanied by fear, increased frequency of respiratory movements audible at a distance in the form of wheezing in the lungs, forced sitting position and the general poor plight of the patient. 

Under normal conditions, the airway clearance is determined by the degree of activity of cilia in epithelium and the mucus flow. Each healthy ciliated cell typically has about 50 to 200 cilia with a length of 5-8 m and the frequency of cilia movements about 10-15 strokes per minute. The rate of flow of mucus in the airway is 4 - 10 mm / s, which makes it almost impossible for bacteria and viruses to enter the airway epithelium. Optimal quantitative and qualitative parameters of mucus and its transportability determine the protective function of the ciliated epithelium. With normal viscosity of mucus, the ciliated epithelium carries out the transport of inhaled particles that enter the nasal cavity and get deposited on the mucous layer in a span of 5 - 20 minutes into the nasopharynx, where they are swallowed. A huge number of different protective factors that are contained in the secretion (secretory IgA, IgM, serum immunoglobulins, transferrin etc.) contribute to the cleaning of airway, since they attach to 50% of respired microorganisms. The optimum ratio of the nature of the mucus and the functional capacity of the ciliated epithelium prevents contamination of the lungs with microflora that constantly enters the airway. Under normal conditions, the viscous mucous secretion is constantly produced by goblet cells, which are one-cell glands. Lack of regulation of these cells by the nervous system is replaced by local irritating factors. 

Change in the temperature of the environment and entry of nitrogen oxide, sulfur, tobacco smoke (for children - passive smoking) in the lungs lead to a reduction or stoppage of the self-cleaning mechanism. In inflammatory conditions, there is a stoppage in the movement of mucus in the more narrow spaces. As a result, this leads to stagnation of phlegm and the inevitable proliferation of pathogenic organisms. Besides the direct irritating effect, the airway epithelium gets damaged as a result of inflammation too. 

This is what happens during muscular spasms of the small bronchi, chronic obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Long-term prevailing of this situation is accompanied by degeneration and atrophy of the ciliary epithelium, destruction of lung tissue. 

Why does the administration of bronchodilators and mucolytic drugs not prevent the development of chronic obstructive bronchitis and asthma? 

Because medical therapy used during an episode of choking is focused on temporary rehabilitation and improvement in quality of life of patients. Medications block all compensatory mechanisms that are inherently protective for the respiratory system. Under conditions when the body's own immune system does not protect the pulmonary epithelium and it is not protected by mucus, and bronchi allow free flow of inspired air, there is damage to the pulmonary epithelium. Restoration of "normal" respiratory function using bronchodilators and mucolytics for a long time will inevitably lead to the destruction of the pulmonary epithelium - the most functional unit of the lungs. The words “asthma controlled by medicines” are nothing more than an empty fantasy. Medications will not help forever; treatment with the goal of complete recovery of the person should be carried out without using medicines! 


Medicine makes breathing easier only for a temporary period, and limits the freedom forever.

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